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select "open image from computer

locate your Lady's picture in your computer files


here is your lady's file in the editor screen

This is where you can see your layers.  The highlighted one is the one you can edit.  You can switch between layers in editing by clicking a different layer or re-arrange their order

to bring your t-shirt into the editor

select "layer" on the top menu

and then

"open image as layer" in the drop-down menu

make sure your moving tool is selected in your toolbox

This is where you can see your two different layers.  One is the shirt and one is the Lady.

left-click and drag your tee to the correct location.  You can also use the arrow/directional keys on your keyboard to make slight adjustments up or down, right or left.  

notice her hair is underneath the tee.  To bring her hair back ontop of her tee you will need to erase some of the tee.  

but how do you know how much to erase?  There is a trick!

this edit button will bring up a new menu in your layer box.

select "difference" in mode

This is what you will see when you change your layering "mode" to "difference".  You get a mix of both your layers.  Now you can see where her hair covers the tee.

now you can select your "erase" tool from your toolbox

you will make mistakes!!!  I always do.  Do not get upset or frustrated.  There is an "undo" option that will remove the last action you did.  Try to work in small short strokes so that if you need to undo your work it will not force you to keep starting over.

changing the size of your eraser will give you more control and enable you to get into small areas.  Choose the best size for the area you are working in.

the top row will give your erase a hard edge.


the second row will give your eraser a soft edge, like a blender.

if you erase too much you will see a white area start to appear.  You will need to "undo" those strokes and try again.

the greeenish color hair is the hidden hair.  The blue hair is what you will see in your finished project.  You want to erase all the greenish hair to turn it to blue.

you may end up with small little areas that need to be re-filled with the t-shirt color.


You can do this after the tee is merged with the lady.

in your top menu select "layer" and choose "merge visible' or "merge down" from the drop-down menu.

this will take the two separate layers and make them into one layer.

choose the "blend" tool in your toolbox

gently blend some of the blue from her tee area onto the white areas.

when you are happy with the results it is time to save!

from the top menu choose "file" and "save from the drop-down menu

name your file

make sure you keep the file as a .png type file

GREAT!  you have successfully TEE-SHIRTED your lady!

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