Raising your Popularity
Keep your popularity scores between categories as even as possible. This will make your Lady very strong and harder to beat in the Fashion Arena. It will also keep her from being in the "weaker" search results. Other Ladies will challenge you less and you will not lose $dollars as much. This is very important. You cannot stop other Ladies from challenging you , but you can make it difficult for them to find you.
You will also want to spend all your $dollars on skilling your popularity as quickly as possible. Do not try to save your $dollars to reach your "practice" required $dollars... You risk losing $dollars to other Ladies every time you do not use them immediately. Buy everything that you can from the mall (even if you do not plan on using it, such as furniture, pet clothes,etc...)
Some of you Ladies still have some work to do in evening out your popularity scores. You should be trying to get all your scores as even as possible to keep you from showing up in the "weaker" category in the Fashion Arena. Raise your lowest popularity score first until it reaches your next lowest score. Then raise the two of them, one at a time, until they reach the next lowest score. The only score that is independent of this is LOYALTY which requires training your pet to raise.
It is important to not over-donate $Dollars to the club. A little extra is ok, but large amounts donated is unnecessary unless we ask you to donate to reach a goal. Emeralds are always best to donate because they are the hardest for clubs to collect and are required to raise all Club Popularity Scores, which will give each member additional bonuses. Your dollars are best spent raising your skills which will help the club defend in Club Fights. This is very important! If you need more help on popularity skilling please message Margora with questions! We are always here to help.
Remember to raise your skills by buying things instead of using the "practice with $ option". Save your practice with $ option for when you can no longer buy from the stores at higher levels. The cost goes up each time you use this option so be very careful!
Additional Thoughts...
weak player scores
weak player scores
These are examples of ladies that rushed to level and neglected skilling their popularity scores. They are very weak. By level 20 your skill scores should already be around 100. If they are not please stop trying to level and start concentrating on getting those scores up. There is no benefit to leveling your experience level other than getting more things to buy. Leveling does NOT make you strong!!!! Please understand this. Do Not rush to level! Avoid leveling until you have to. It is very hard to win as a weak player. It is much easier to win $$$ as a strong low level than a weak high level.
always train your pet as quickly as possible
Practice with $ will cost a large sum of $dollars, but you will gain a full point in your popularity score for that category immediately. Instead, if you go to the mall and buy items or vote or go to the beauty salon, you will earn popularity points that you can spend to raise your popularity scores through "practicing with points". It will take you a little longer but I recommend it because eventually you will run out of things to buy and you will need your practice to raise your scores. If you use practice when you are at low levels you will make the cost of your practice go up very high, very quickly. It will be difficult to use practice when you need it most!
Do not use "practice" when your Lady is under level 25. It is best at earlier levels to always buy things to increase your popularity. You should use your practice option only at higher levels when you need to buy too many items to gain popularity in each category. Every time you purchase a practice, the price raises very quickly so be careful!
if you buy the ring you will earn 4 popularity points to add to your total unspent popularity points. Once you have earned enough points, you can go to your popularity panel and spend your points to increase your pop scores.
Shopping is the easiest way to earn popularity points. The item will indicate how many points you will receive for buying that item.
As of June 6, 2017 the popularity system has been updated. This guide helps explain what to expect.
preferred method of raising scores.