Great Dane
level 6
level 10
level 17
level 24
level 31
level 38
gain 20 points in loyalty
gain 40 points in loyalty
gain 60 points in loyalty
gain 80 points in loyalty
gain 100 points in loyalty
gain 120 points in loyalty
your total score should be 180
when you fully train your cat
120 training pts + 60 club bonus pts
your total score should be 300
when you fully train your great dane
200 training pts + 100 club bonus pts
your total score should be 90
when you fully train your Chihuahua
60 training pts + 30 club bonus pts
your total score should be 450
when you fully train your puppy
300 training pts + 150 club bonus pts
this should be fully trained to 20 *
when you join the club
available at
available at
available at
available at
available at
available at
* total score will be different based on your club's popular level bonuses
Pet Loyalty is very important! It is the easiest and quickest popularity to level. Having your loyalty always at max level will give your Lady added strength in Club Fights and in the Fashion Arena. THIS IS A MUST!!! You should be buying a new pet as soon as it is available and leveling your loyalty as quick as possible.